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Message from Tom Leyden, Umpire In Chief

My name is Tom Leyden and I am the Umpire in Chief for the league.  I want to let everyone know that 2024 Umpire Registration is now open.  We are looking for additional adult umpires for our 2024 season.

Our Youth program is open to anyone who is 13 years old as of April 1, 2024. So if you have a child that is 12 but is turning 13 between now and April 1, 2024, they can umpire!  All umpires get paid by SRVGAL.

For those interested please do the following:

1. Go to

2. Click on 2024 Registration and get brought into Demosphere.

3. Sign into Demosphere.  Please note that the Umpire being registered DOES NOT need a separate Demosphere account.  They can be successfully registered using their parent’s account.

4.  Once logged in select the button for Register a Participant/Player.

5. Select who is registering and follow prompts. Please note that if you are an adult, the top of the drop down for Grade year is "Adult"

6. Click Save continue then on next screen select SRVGAL Umpires - 2024 Spring. Please make sure that you are correctly selected as a youth or adult.

7. Click Continue and continue to complete registration. This includes adding parent information if youth, entering Drivers License if adult (if prompted).  Please note that if you a registering a youth, please type NA or None in the Drivers License information section.

8. Once you have completed all forms please remember to Check Out to complete registration.  Same thing you may have done to register a player for League. 

There is no cost to register for Umpiring but you need to do this check out to save and complete your registration!

Any questions regarding registration please contact Jan Tomsic at

Umpiring is a great way for youths to develop confidence and learn the game of softball.  As an adult, it is a great way to give back to our community! 

Please consider Umpiring this SRVGAL season.  Once registered there will be a two required trainings to attend in February.  Once registered you will get a link to a sign up genius for these Required Trainings!

Games are self assigned so Umpires can choose how much they can work.


Tom Leyden